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mexico sewing

Why Manufacture in Mexico?

Off-shoring your manufacturing operation to a low-cost environment is an obvious solution for a business wanting to reduce production costs, as well as reap the numerous additional benefits of not having to manufacture in-house, or endure the long production/delivery cycle from China.
Contract sewing in Mexico can lower your labor costs by 50% or more.

Superior Customer Service

Our goal is to provide a high level of service, quality and on-time delivery, so that our clients can exceed the demands of a competitive marketplace. We view business relationships as longterm partnerships and as such we work to  improve the production process and lower production costs wherever possible.



2225 Avenida Costa Este
Suite 1800
San Diego, CA 92154 


Phone: +1 (619) 575-4856

Fax: +1 (619) 575-4869